

We harvest first and second crop thinnings and carefully choose machines most suitable for working different types thinnings sites. Thinnings needs to be a very balanced operation.  Thinning the crop too much occurs windblow.  The right balance of what is taken out needs to be right.  We pride ourself in leaving a first class site with no skint trees or damage to route plates. 

Harvesting Thinnings

When harvesting thinnings, the choice of machine is essential. We mainly use xx with a xx harvesting head. This machine is the very narrow to manoeuvre through the forest causing minimal damage to standing trees and tree routes. This machine is very effective for doing first and second crop thinnings.

Forwarding Thinnings

For forwarding thinnings we mainly use our Ponsse Fox with an H6 cutting head. It manoeuvres through the forest effectively also causing minimal disturbance to other standing trees because of its narrow width.

Top Quality Harvesting & Forwarding

We work very hard to ensure our harvesting sites are run as efficiently as possible. Paul stephen visits each site to ensure quality and target levels are being reached. We pride ourselves on the presentation of our harvesting sites and always meet deadlines.

Crop optimization

All of our harvesters run the latest computer software available with fully operational optimising programs to ensure correct crop productivity. Our operators are fully trained to use them and set them up to their maximum capability.

Accuracy & Calibration

All operators carry out daily length and diameter checks and calibration to ensure accurate measuring according to the provided specification sheets.